move. heal. Floss.

with bon

Fascia Flossing™



At The Floss we help people radically remodel their fascia to reverse pain, upgrade their posture, increase lymph + digestive flow and unwind long standing structural issues. Imagine a movement routine that feels like a treat for your body, low impact, high results.


the Floss Membership

Weekly live classes + Flossing on demand with a full virtual library of classes, ranging from 5-minute resets to 45-minute Flossing flows!

“I came to Bonnie’s challenge with acute low back, hip and sacral pain. I’d been a dancer, soccer player and yogi for many years, but would continuously injure myself despite a consistent work out and  “stretching” routine. It wasn’t until Bonnie’s class that I started to understand the difference between hyper flexibility and actual mobility. This challenge has reduced my pain considerably and opened up my eyes (and hamstrings!) to a whole new world of somatic experience. I cannot wait to integrate fascia flossing into my routine. Thank you Bon!” -Leila

“I also, more importantly, want to let you know that I am such a huge fan of your work, and that in particular I have been doing your two-part tension headache class multiple times a week for about two months now, and it has led to the most significant reduction in migraines that I've experienced in years. I suffer from super frequent migraines, which are truly the bane of my existence, and flossing has been wildly helpful in alleviating them and reducing their frequency, and I'm so grateful to you for that. I'm a friend of Richard Kowal's, and he turned me onto your work this past year, much to my benefit. Thank you so much for the work that you do, I hope you have a wonderful day!” -Caily 

it’s not stretching

it’s flossing.

It's active.

It's engaged.

It's mindful.

More than just exercise.

A treat for your bod.

Low impact, high results.

Like internally exfoliating yourself…

Intro to Flossing

Morning Essentials Floss

Flossing For: Neck and Shoulder Relief

Floss Focus: Lower Back Relief


CHange your body from the inside out

Layer by layer, inch by inch

Flossing is deep work and is better together. Join us in our live community classes on Zoom.

THE Floss™ is a fun & sophisticated movement routine that is easy to integrate into your current workout.

A safe way to heal your body from injury & feel fab. the key is:

Engagement + Elongation

exfoliate your connective tissues…