Flossing Is better together.


Class Schedule - Join Our Live Fascia Flossing Events

Fall Training 2024 - Level 1 - VIRTUAL

Fall Training 2024 - Level 1 - VIRTUAL

*** If you would like to join level 2 (October 26th-27th), you must complete level 1.

Saturday October 5th: 11:00 AM EST - 4:30 PM EST

Sunday October 6th 11:00 AM EST - 4:30 PM EST

Purchase the Course in the Store to use the Credit Card Purchase Option, or you can pay directly via Venmo @bonzita or Paypal Bonniecrotzer@icloud.com

Level 1 training is for all levels, all bodies from tight friends to hyper mobile ones. These tools will move your tissue towards balance. This is a great training for yoga teachers who want to incorporate Fascia Flossing techniques into their teaching, or for yogis to incorporate into their personal practice. You will receive a self Flossing certificate upon completion.

Fascia is the body’s scaffolding, the tissue that connects all other tissues. The impact of this energy and communication network is in direct correlation to our overall health. So what is fascia flossing? Think of it as an active stretching + pulsing technique that can be done on its own or in conjunction with other movement modalities. Fascia Flossing provides a way to interface, unbind, and de-layer densified connective tissue that leads to a more comfortable, spacious and energetic body.

This weekend-long 10-hr training is for all levels, all bodies from tight friends to hyper mobile ones. These tools will move your tissue towards balance. This is a great training for yoga teachers who want to incorporate Fascia Flossing techniques into their teaching, or for yogis to incorporate into their personal practice.

This training will be held on Zoom. There will be partner work during this training, so Bon recommends that you have a friend sign up with you to get the full experience of the training. More details to come getting Zoom access after you register.

Students of this course will be issued a certificate for 10 hours of Floss training.

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FALL Training 2024 - Level 2 - VIRTUAL
to Oct 27

FALL Training 2024 - Level 2 - VIRTUAL

*** If you would like to join level 2, you must complete level 1 (October 5th-6th).

Saturday October 26th 11:00 AM EST - 4:30 PM EST

Sunday October 27th 11:00 AM EST - 4:30 PM EST

**You must complete level 1 before joining level 2. (You do not have to finalize your 10 practice hours to join level 2). TRAINING IS RECORDED, recordings are available to all participants.

Use the Shop item to use the Credit Card Purchase Option, or you can pay directly via Venmo @bonzita or Paypal Bonniecrotzer@icloud.com

- Reviewing how Fascia Flossing works and applying it to your own personal movement journey

- Movement/Kinetic patterns level 2 - learning rotations and vector directions and how they correlate to targeted myofascial muscle groups.

- Level 2 Self - Flosses, advanced flosses to incorporate into your personal practice and teaching

- How to build a Floss class, how to integrate other movement techniques within your class

- Basic assisted flosses to practice with partners and small groups on your own

- 5 Element Theory - Map the body with the ancient wisdom of Eastern Traditional Medicine and the connective tissue channels. This body road map can provide clues along the road to wellness.

- Deepening your relationship with your anatomy as your life story: Fascia as energetic and hormonal store house, many practitioners say the facial web holds our life story, learn how to interface with it

Level 2 training is for all levels, all bodies from tight friends to hyper mobile ones. These tools will move your tissue towards balance. This is a great training for yoga teachers who want to incorporate Fascia Flossing techniques into their teaching, or for yogis to incorporate into their personal practice. You will receive a self Flossing certificate upon completion.

Fascia is the body’s interior scaffolding, the tissue that connects all other tissues. The impact of this energy and communication network is in direct correlation to our overall health. So what is fascia flossing? Think of it as an active stretching + pulsing technique that can be done on its own or in conjunction with other movement modalities. Fascia Flossing provides a way to interface, unbind, and de-layer densified connective tissue that leads to a more comfortable, spacious and energetic body.

This weekend-long 10-hr training is for all levels, all bodies from tight friends to hyper-mobile ones. These tools will move your tissue towards balance. This is a great training for yoga teachers who want to incorporate Fascia Flossing techniques into their teaching, or for yogis to incorporate into their personal practice.

This training will be held on Zoom. There will be light partner work during this training, not to worry if you do not have. apartner, you can use the recordings and practice later on. More details to come, you will receive the Zoom access after you register.

Students of this course will be issued a certificate for 10 hours of Floss training.

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Spring Training 2024 - Level 1 - VIRTUAL
to Apr 7

Spring Training 2024 - Level 1 - VIRTUAL

*** If you would like to join level 2, you must complete level 1.

Saturday April 6th: 9:30-11:30 AM EST & 2:30-4:30 PM EST

Sunday April 7th 11:00 AM EST - 4:30 PM EST

Purchase the Course in the Store to use the Credit Card Purchase Option, or you can pay directly via Venmo @bonzita or Paypal Bonniecrotzer@icloud.com

Level 1 training is for all levels, all bodies from tight friends to hyper mobile ones. These tools will move your tissue towards balance. This is a great training for yoga teachers who want to incorporate Fascia Flossing techniques into their teaching, or for yogis to incorporate into their personal practice. You will receive a self Flossing certificate upon completion.

Fascia is the body’s scaffolding, the tissue that connects all other tissues. The impact of this energy and communication network is in direct correlation to our overall health. So what is fascia flossing? Think of it as an active stretching + pulsing technique that can be done on its own or in conjunction with other movement modalities. Fascia Flossing provides a way to interface, unbind, and de-layer densified connective tissue that leads to a more comfortable, spacious and energetic body.

This weekend-long 10-hr training is for all levels, all bodies from tight friends to hyper mobile ones. These tools will move your tissue towards balance. This is a great training for yoga teachers who want to incorporate Fascia Flossing techniques into their teaching, or for yogis to incorporate into their personal practice.

This training will be held on Zoom. There will be partner work during this training, so Bon recommends that you have a friend sign up with you to get the full experience of the training. More details to come getting Zoom access after you register.

Students of this course will be issued a certificate for 10 hours of Floss training.

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2024 Fascia Fete @ 11:00 AM (EST)
to Jan 8

2024 Fascia Fete @ 11:00 AM (EST)

7 Days to Renew Your Fascia! - Radiate from the Inside Out!  

January 2nd - 8th @ 11 AM ET - 11:45 AM ET (each day)

Floss Members take the Fete for Free ($38 per month at www.thefloss.com - 2 challenges per year are included) or NON-MEMBERS $128 for the 7 day challenge if you want to drop into all the classes

(Venmo @bonzita or Paypal bonniecrotzer@icloud.com)

Sign Up for Info on the Fete and to get updates at: https://witty-feather-54245.myflodesk.com/zdlznirh9t

7 days spent remodeling our fascia

Day 1 - Total Body Floss/Flossing 101

Day 2 - Hips and Lower Body - free your pelvis

Day 3 - Shoulders and Upper Body - bye bye tech neck

Day 4 - Digestion and Metabolism - find your flow

Day 5 - Immune, Lymph, and Energy - get a boost

Day 6 - Floss + Core - don't agonize, stabilize

Day 7 - Water Element - a 5 Element spin on things

Fascia Flossing is a different way to stretch. It's about fascia, it's about flow, it's def a PARTY. If you are new to Fascia Flossing, we are reconfiguring the connective tissue by causing an internal exfoliation. Feels like a workout and a massage in one. It's not stretching, it's FLOSSING, people. This first week of January is great for newbies, we will do all the classic fascia flosses and much more!

Recently recommended by Vanity Fair, Bonnie's classes revitalize your tissue to become more elastic, hydrated, and pliable again = a more youthful and comfortable bod.

Each class, learn to floss your fascia, stretch with healthy resistance, activate your meridians, and keep your immune and lymph movin'... in class Bon will support you and tailor stretches to your own personal needs and desires. And, if you miss class, no worries, class recordings are available online.

See what Vanity Fair has to say about Fascia Flossing

What students are saying:

“I came to Bonnie’s challenge with acute low back, hip and sacral pain. I’d been a dancer, soccer player and yogi for many years, but would continuously injure myself despite a consistent work out and “stretching” routine. It wasn’t until Bonnie’s class that I started to understand the difference between hyper flexibility and actual mobility. This challenge has reduced by pain considerably and opened up my eyes (and hamstrings!) to a whole new world of somatic experience. I cannot wait to integrate fascia flossing into my routine. Thank you Bon!” -Leila

"The 10-Day Fascia Challenge was incredible! It knocked my socks off (literally, because who needs socks when stretching?!) and I felt amazing throughout and afterwards. I actually think I might have grown a half an inch taller. I felt energized throughout and learned a lot about fascia, the different organs, and acupuncture points that I can continue to use to improve my health. Plus, Bon is a fantastic teacher! And I definitely have Ghost Flower apparel on my wish list! Highly recommend this challenge to anyone who wants to improve their health and understanding of their body and how simple movements can make a huge impact to how you feel." - Mary

"Bon is a wonder and an inspiration. Her knowledge of the body and fascia is extensive and deep, and she lovingly connects to every student--supporting them and holding them accountable. However, it's her spirit that is the greatest gift. The effervescence, vibrancy, and fun she puts forward is transformative and uplifting. On the days I don't feel like practicing, getting to be in Bonnie's sparkling presence motivates me to come to my mat. My work is in adult education. I do a lot of reflecting and teaching about what makes a great teacher--Bonnie is a shining star!" -Erin

"Hi Bonnie,

I wanted to tell you how much the fascia flossing has helped me. Today, I could move my right shoulder in a way I had not in...years - it had been so stiff!And I am still discovering muscles and movement in parts of my body...Just wanted to share with you...I may not look it in class, but I am quite loving it."

Thank you + x,


“I came to Bonnie’s challenge with acute low back, hip and sacral pain. I’d been a dancer, soccer player and yogi for many years, but would continuously injure myself despite a consistent work out and “stretching” routine. It wasn’t until Bonnie’s class that I started to understand the difference between hyper flexibility and actual mobility. This challenge has reduced my pain considerably and opened up my eyes (and hamstrings!) to a whole new world of somatic experience. I cannot wait to integrate fascia flossing into my routine. Thank you Bon!” -Leila

Sign up for Membership $38 per month at www.thefloss.com

Venmo @bonzita or Paypal @bonzsi

Class recordings available. Please sign up to receive the Class Zoom link.

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Free the Pelvis
to May 31

Free the Pelvis

Named for the bowl that it is, so much is held in our pelvii! We aren’t just talkin organs here! We are talkin STUFF, life, residues, physical/emotional/energetic debris. This month at The Floss we will be focusing on how to free the pelvis. Let’s consider the pelvis on a personal, individual level as well as a global one - some pelvii are more free than the next. 

 A healthy pelvis and open hips are in reach, yet so many factors play into what makes a pelvis feel free and well - some of these factors being dense fascia, a supportive pelvic floor, what we eat, and hormone health. Knowledge surrounding how to have a healthy relationship with our pelvis is our right and it’s time to start talking about it. 

Join us this month and for this special kick off class to upgrade the biomechanics and fascia of the pelvis, learn about hormonal cycles, fertility health, reproductive rights, and consider how having a healthy pelvis means so many things.

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Spring Training - Level 1 - VIRTUAL
to Apr 16

Spring Training - Level 1 - VIRTUAL

*** If you would like to join level 2, you must complete level 1.

Purchase the Course in the Store to use the Credit Card Purchase Option, or you can pay directly via Venmo @bonzita or Paypal Bonniecrotzer@icloud.com

Level 1 training is for all levels, all bodies from tight friends to hyper mobile ones. These tools will move your tissue towards balance. This is a great training for yoga teachers who want to incorporate Fascia Flossing techniques into their teaching, or for yogis to incorporate into their personal practice. You will receive a self Flossing certificate upon completion.

Fascia is the body’s scaffolding, the tissue that connects all other tissues. The impact of this energy and communication network is in direct correlation to our overall health. So what is fascia flossing? Think of it as an active stretching + pulsing technique that can be done on its own or in conjunction with other movement modalities. Fascia Flossing provides a way to interface, unbind, and de-layer densified connective tissue that leads to a more comfortable, spacious and energetic body.

This weekend-long 10-hr training is for all levels, all bodies from tight friends to hyper mobile ones. These tools will move your tissue towards balance. This is a great training for yoga teachers who want to incorporate Fascia Flossing techniques into their teaching, or for yogis to incorporate into their personal practice.

This training will be held on Zoom. There will be partner work during this training, so Bon recommends that you have a friend sign up with you to get the full experience of the training. More details to come getting Zoom access after you register.

Students of this course will be issued a certificate for 10 hours of Floss training.

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Spring Refresh 2023
to Mar 19

Spring Refresh 2023

The Floss Annual Spring Refresh!

This is our version of a gentle cleanse to energize, support the liver and prep our body for spring! 

What to Expect:

When the challenge begins, participants will receive daily emails with:

-Flexible eating guide + recipes 

-7 days of Fascia Flossing class (45mins) + Daily Efficient Floss on IG Live (5-15 mins)

-Daily Acupressure Tutorials 

-Special events and guest speakers (including Feng Shui workshop, cooking class, live panels, and chats about herbalism and skin health)

-Guided meditations and activities designed to cultivate your WOOD element.

Free for Members. $165 for non-members or become a member for $38 per month (cancel anytime)

Sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63e90afd781752946ff2bda7

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Mashingtine @ SKYTING NYC & Virtual

Mashingtine @ SKYTING NYC & Virtual

90 Minutes of mashing bliss. Walkers are not included.

Please bring your own walker to this workshop. Amazon and many thrift stores have a few good options!

What is mashing? It’s like a massage but with your feet instead of your hands.

Yup, it’s weird: trainers use their feet to walk on your back body to apply a wide non-invasive pressure to the body from head to toe.

Mashing pressure is broad, not pokey, and give you the healing magic of human to human contact. Learn the basic how to’s and practice communicating to your partner (“yikes less pressure there, ooo ooo good spot”). Bring a buddy or make a friend there and take them into full blown parasympathetic mode, move their lymph and blood flow, and start to release their fascia (then we will switch partners!).

Mashing is an amazing tool before or after a workout, preparing muscle tissue or assisting in recovery. Often folks get mashed before or after having an assisted stretch.  Click Here for More Info or to Sign-Up.

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Residency @ The Well in NYC - Fascia Flossing 101

Residency @ The Well in NYC - Fascia Flossing 101

It’s not just stretching, it’s Flossing. Join Bon Crotzer and The Floss for a dynamic movement workshop that will remodel and rejuvenate your connective tissue from the inside out. Learn how to target specific tight areas, internally exfoliating your fascial layers and interface with your body on a deeper level. This playful session is an active workout created to support all body types and flexibility levels and designed to leave you feeling a sense of improved mobility, tension relief and elongated posture. Please email reservations@the-well.com to reserve your spot. $75/pp

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Residency @ The Well in NYC - Body Remapping
to Feb 5

Residency @ The Well in NYC - Body Remapping

In this private session, Bon will help to resculpt the body’s foundational structure through a personalized combination of physical eccentric manipulation, shiatsu, guided resistance and engaged elongation. Curated for the individual, these movements aim to alleviate scar tissue, densified fascia and systemic stagnation and will leave you feeling more comfortable, spacious and energized throughout your body. Body Remapping includes a 30 minute appointment in our Infrared Cabin. Please email reservations@the-well.com to reserve your spot. 60 Minutes | $400/pp

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2023 Fascia fete
to Jan 8

2023 Fascia fete

7 Days to Renew Your Fascia! - Radiate from the Inside Out!  

January 2nd - 8th @ 10 AM ET - 1o:45 PM ET (each day)

Floss Members take the Fete for Free ($38 per month at www.thefloss.com - 2 challenges per year are included) or NON-MEMBERS $120 for the 7 day challenge if you want to drop into all the classes

(Venmo @bonzita or Paypal bonniecrotzer@icloud.com)

Sign Up for Info on the Fete and to get updates at: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6398cc2688aca7e15696b1d9

7 days spent remodeling our fascia

Day 1 - Total Body Floss/Flossing 101

Day 2 - Hips and Lower Body - free your pelvis

Day 3 - Shoulders and Upper Body - bye bye tech neck

Day 4 - Digestion and Metabolism - find your flow

Day 5 - Immune, Lymph, and Energy - get a boost

Day 6 - Floss + Core - don't antagonize, stabilize

Day 7 - Water Element - a 5 Element spin on things

Fascia Flossing is a different way to stretch. It's about fascia, it's about flow, it's def a PARTY. If you are new to Fascia Flossing, we are reconfiguring the connective tissue by causing an internal exfoliation. Feels like a workout and a massage in one. It's not stretching, it's FLOSSING, people. This first week of January is great for newbies, we will do all the classic fascia flosses and much more!

Recently recommended by Vanity Fair, Bonnie's classes revitalize your tissue to become more elastic, hydrated, and pliable again = a more youthful and comfortable bod.

Each class, learn to floss your fascia, stretch with healthy resistance, activate your meridians, and keep your immune and lymph movin'... in class Bon will support you and tailor stretches to your own personal needs and desires. And, if you miss class, no worries, class recordings are available online.

See what Vanity Fair has to say about Fascia Flossing

What students are saying:

“I came to Bonnie’s challenge with acute low back, hip and sacral pain. I’d been a dancer, soccer player and yogi for many years, but would continuously injure myself despite a consistent work out and “stretching” routine. It wasn’t until Bonnie’s class that I started to understand the difference between hyper flexibility and actual mobility. This challenge has reduced by pain considerably and opened up my eyes (and hamstrings!) to a whole new world of somatic experience. I cannot wait to integrate fascia flossing into my routine. Thank you Bon!” -Leila

"The 10-Day Fascia Challenge was incredible! It knocked my socks off (literally, because who needs socks when stretching?!) and I felt amazing throughout and afterwards. I actually think I might have grown a half an inch taller. I felt energized throughout and learned a lot about fascia, the different organs, and acupuncture points that I can continue to use to improve my health. Plus, Bon is a fantastic teacher! And I definitely have Ghost Flower apparel on my wish list! Highly recommend this challenge to anyone who wants to improve their health and understanding of their body and how simple movements can make a huge impact to how you feel." - Mary

"Bon is a wonder and an inspiration. Her knowledge of the body and fascia is extensive and deep, and she lovingly connects to every student--supporting them and holding them accountable. However, it's her spirit that is the greatest gift. The effervescence, vibrancy, and fun she puts forward is transformative and uplifting. On the days I don't feel like practicing, getting to be in Bonnie's sparkling presence motivates me to come to my mat. My work is in adult education. I do a lot of reflecting and teaching about what makes a great teacher--Bonnie is a shining star!" -Erin

"Hi Bonnie,

I wanted to tell you how much the fascia flossing has helped me. Today, I could move my right shoulder in a way I had not in...years - it had been so stiff!And I am still discovering muscles and movement in parts of my body...Just wanted to share with you...I may not look it in class, but I am quite loving it."

Thank you + x,


“I came to Bonnie’s challenge with acute low back, hip and sacral pain. I’d been a dancer, soccer player and yogi for many years, but would continuously injure myself despite a consistent work out and “stretching” routine. It wasn’t until Bonnie’s class that I started to understand the difference between hyper flexibility and actual mobility. This challenge has reduced my pain considerably and opened up my eyes (and hamstrings!) to a whole new world of somatic experience. I cannot wait to integrate fascia flossing into my routine. Thank you Bon!” -Leila

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to Nov 12


5 Days of

Workshopping the Link Between Yoga and Fascia Flossing™

November 7th - 12th @ 10AM ET 10:45 PM ET (each day except Friday November 11th is 9:30AM - 10:30AM)

Use your Membership (2 challenges per year are included), or suggested donation of $50 (for non-members)

Drop in per class $14

(Venmo @bonzita

or Paypal bonniecrotzer@icloud.com)

Everyone is welcome, please contact me if you are unable to donate.

with Bonnie Crotzer

Past feedback:

“I came to Bonnie’s challenge with acute low back, hip and sacral pain. I’d been a dancer, soccer player and yogi for many years, but would continuously injure myself despite a consistent work out and “stretching” routine. It wasn’t until Bonnie’s class that I started to understand the difference between hyper flexibility and actual mobility. This challenge has reduced my pain considerably and opened up my eyes (and hamstrings!) to a whole new world of somatic experience. I cannot wait to integrate fascia flossing into my routine. Thank you Bon!” -Leila

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The Floss @ Miami sacred space

The Floss @ Miami sacred space

The Floss @ Miami Sacred Space - Miami, FL January 23rd, 9:30AM-11AM $35

1 hour 30 minutes @ $35.00

Join Bon & The Floss at the SACRED SPACE Miami for this special workshop and learn how engaging while you elongate will change your connective tissue for good! You will learn how to target specific tight areas and interface with your body on a deeper level. Introduction to 5 Element Theory - Map the body with the ancient wisdom of Eastern Traditional Medicine and the connective tissue channels. This body road map can provide clues along the road to wellness.

CLICK HERE to get a ticket!

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NEW YeAR’s Floss 8 Day Challenge
to Jan 10

NEW YeAR’s Floss 8 Day Challenge

8 Days of

Flossing for the New Year - Renewed Fascia

January 3rd - 10th @ 12 PM ET - 12:45 PM ET (each day)

Use your Membership (2 challenges per year are included), your class pack or suggested donation of $80-$100

Drop in $14

(Venmo @bonzita

or Paypal bonniecrotzer@icloud.com)

Everyone is welcome, please contact me if you are unable to donate. Sign up for classes at: TEAM FLOSS

with Bonnie Crotzer & Kaita Mrazek

Fabulous Fascia in 2022. This 8 Day Flossing Challenge is going to help achieve pain relief, energy and comfort in your body- real and sustainable change to your connective tissue and therefore all your systems.

Ready to morph your bod from the inside out? Let's Floss and start the year off right!

“I came to Bonnie’s challenge with acute low back, hip and sacral pain. I’d been a dancer, soccer player and yogi for many years, but would continuously injure myself despite a consistent work out and “stretching” routine. It wasn’t until Bonnie’s class that I started to understand the difference between hyper flexibility and actual mobility. This challenge has reduced my pain considerably and opened up my eyes (and hamstrings!) to a whole new world of somatic experience. I cannot wait to integrate fascia flossing into my routine. Thank you Bon!” -Leila

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Floss Back to the 80’s
to May 14

Floss Back to the 80’s

5 days of 80’s inspired Flossing with Bon + Kaita.

Monday- Buns of Steel (Bon)

Tuesday- Shoulder Pad Pump (Bon)

Wednesday- Six Pack Abs (Kaita)

Thursday- Thighmaster and Jane Fonda Legs (Bon)

Friday- Richard Simmons' Sweat Sesh (Kaita)

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