What people are saying about Flossing
“I also, more importantly, want to let you know that I am such a huge fan of your work, and that in particular I have been doing your two-part tension headache class multiple times a week for about two months now, and it has led to the most significant reduction in migraines that I've experienced in years. I suffer from super frequent migraines, which are truly the bane of my existence, and flossing has been wildly helpful in alleviating them and reducing their frequency, and I'm so grateful to you for that. I'm a friend of Richard Kowal's (chiropractor), and he turned me onto your work this past year, much to my benefit. Thank you so much for the work that you do, I hope you have a wonderful day.”
“I began fascia flossing with sessions at TheFloss.com about five months ago after hearing an interview with Bonnie Crotzer on a podcast. I was immediately interested in exploring it based on what Bonnie explained because it made sense to me though I was unfamiliar with what exactly fascia is. I started with the mat sessions that were available to me as taught by Bon online and quickly found myself doing a session every day. After even the very first time, I got up from the mat and knew by the way I was moving that this was something different and important. I’ve never experienced results from a practice that are so complete and beneficial. It’s not just how nimble I feel in my body, it’s improved overall health and wellness, In the past few days, for instance, I’ve realized that I haven’t had to address my seasonal sinus condition at all!! For the past 30+ years I’ve had to pretty aggressively treat this condition but this year – gone! I’m sure it’s connected to this practice because of what I’ve learned from Bon as she gives mini lectures at the same time as leading the floss session – around Chinese medicine and the thinking that goes with that as far as the energy channels in the body and how flossing affects those and all the major bodily systems…it’s fascinating!!! Anyway, big big thanks to Bonnie Crotzer for bringing this to a platform where I found it and more and more humans can benefit )) I believe it’s now forever integrated in my life. I can’t wait to see how many more great things come of it!”
-Laura C. Los Angeles
“The 10-Day Fascia Challenge was incredible! It knocked my socks off (literally, because who needs socks when stretching?!) and I felt amazing throughout and afterwards. I actually think I might have grown a half an inch taller. I felt energized throughout and learned a lot about fascia, the different organs, and acupuncture points that I can continue to use to improve my health. Plus, Bon is a fantastic teacher! And I definitely have Ghost Flower apparel on my wish list! Highly recommend this challenge to anyone who wants to improve their health and understanding of their body and how simple movements can make a huge impact to how you feel.”
— Mary
“This work is so valuable. I had to skip monday. The difference is so big to when I don’t do it and I feel so much better when I do!”
“I wanted to tell you how much the fascia flossing has helped me. Today, I could move my right shoulder in a way I had not in... years - it had been so stiff! And I am still discovering muscles and movement in parts of my body...Just wanted to share with you... I may not look it in class, but I am quite loving it. Thank you!”
— Orapin
“This work has been amazing for me btw. I haven’t been able to be this active since 2015 when I first had the pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms pop up. I feel so happy! Don’t wake up in the middle of the night with pain. Can push myself a little more with different types of movement/exercise. And I’m finally losing weight! Thanks for these awesome sessions”
“To start the new year, I joined Bon’s 10 day Fascia Flossing Challenge, which was just perfect in helping me recover from months of debilitating illness, when regular yoga practice was not possible. Bon’s lovely, compassionate heart spirit, and playful guiding nature, is an inspiration! Her deep fascia wisdom, and keen understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is both energizing, and restorative. I’m feeling stronger, calmer, and more in balance than I have in a long while! Looking forward to integrating this valuable work into my regular practice! Thanks Bon!!”
— Phil
“Thank you for the 10 day fascia flossing challenge. Somehow you are able to make fascia stretching fun and educational. As a lifelong athlete in my 60’s, my ratio of stretching to athletic activity is very low. Thanks to your classes and your knowledge, I am now on a path to stretch more and become more flexible. Thank you for sharing your expertise!”
— Maggie
“Wow WOW Wow! Thank you so much for the amazing class series- I feel so lucky to have found this knowledge/practice. Im so grateful and exited to continue playing and exploring stretching with you! Bonnie you are so fun, and easygoing I feel like I’ve known you all along- Many Thanks, my new friend, for the best thing that happened in 2021:). See you soon,”
Holy shit Bon. You are a body whisperer…My quads have stories to tell. I got the hot, nauseous flush… excellent Thank you so much
-Krista Buccari
Bon Bon I just did your first class omg. You are so beautiful and talented and intuitive. Loved every moment
-Ana Lui
Bonnie! Just wanted to say THANK YOU again 💕💕💕. I feel so long and so good and efficient in my movements. I don’t want it to end. You rule 🙌🏻🙌🏻😻
Loved it (the challenge) so much! Looking forward to continuing my stretch rascal journey with you and totally want to nerd out on this stuff (movement, fascia, improv, neuroscience all the things :) more!
Awesome ! Yes I have done a couple of at home classes and I am already obsessed and need more!! Seriously have felt the benefits pretty much immediately. Hi!! Wanted to let you know I did the “heavy legs” class from last week that you sent me in demand today - literally relieved SO MUCH of the funkiness I’ve been feeling the past week or so I am so grateful. Will you be doing any in-person classes in the city anytime soon?
-Mary M
—Also I have been hella under the weather for the past 1.5 weeks, and have been doing the immune floss classes on demand - holy smokes they are saving me and man can I feel them moving some ish out!!!
Bonnie you are amazing! I always direct my students to you.
I love your movement practice
Thank you so much! I just did the first class and sent payment via Venmo . Feeling the beautiful work happily received in my tissue now!!
ok!! would love to come see you. in the meantime, i’m on day 4 of your flossing challenge. ooooo am i hurting in new ways. so good. you’re a gift!
been flossing and my body is flowwwwing!
Found this practice through Courageous Wellness podcast. It might just change my life!
Thank you so much! I love your classes and find them very beneficial! They are building blocks to a better stronger bod!
- Kath