Feel held while you unwind.
In a Floss session with Bon, like so many clients have said, you will feel better than you could have ever imagined.
How does a Flossing session work?
I have you engage a muscle group (imagine your bicep contracted) and you continue to contract as I elongate your tissue (I pull your forearm out long while you resist). The resistance and movement together create an internal exfoliation that breaks up hardened old, dry connective tissue, fibers and scar tissue, while releasing any toxins that the tissue is holding.
First time sessions, expect to focus on upper or lower body. If possible, we suggest 5-10 sessions within the first two months, that gives us a chance to “get ahead of the tissue”. One session will still provide a significant change. The good news is that we can change the fascia faster than the body can build up the density. Any dense fascia that is cleared in a session will be discarded by your body’s elimination systems, meaning it’s gone-zo! In our opinion, this is the most sustainable, long lasting and deepest impact body work out there.
With this technique, the myofascial tissue changes from the inside, instead of trying to soften it with an external force (traditional technique of myofascial release and deep tissue massage) which can be painful. I really enjoyed getting deep tissue more once I completed 10+ Flossing sessions, because this technique changes the tissue en masse. It’s a complete overhaul of your fascia, starting with the structural connective tissue, deep to the bones, before working on the superficial fascia. I go to myofascial release for cranial sacral and intricate work.