We have Flossy / nerdy fascia stuff to discuss.
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The Rainbo Podcast
Fascia Flossing 101: Essential Insights with Bonnie Crotzer
You thought mycelium networks were fascinating and magical, the body’s fascia matrix is truly next level. Today, I’m joined by Bonnie Crotzer, dancer turned fascia flossing guide, to discuss just how interconnected fascia is to our entire being and how we can return it to its optimal state.
In this episode of the Hello Beauty Podcast, we're thrilled to welcome Bonnie Crotzer, the visionary founder of The Floss. With a background in dance and a passion for wellness, Bonnie has created The Floss, a revolutionary approach to movement and body alignment. The Floss offers a unique blend of exercises that help release tension, improve flexibility, and promote overall well-being.
HEAD South
On this episode of Head South Radio we chat to the founder of The Floss, Bon Crotzer. With an extensive and professional background in dance, bodywork, yoga, pilates, and biomechanical flexibility and strength, Bon developed her movement method and platform The Floss to educate people on the often overlooked source of health—our fascia network.
The V movement
Sarah interviews Bonnie Crotzer, a fascia specialist. Bonnie shares her journey of discovering fascia while dealing with various injuries and chronic pain during her ballet career. She recounts how traditional methods like yoga and acupuncture lead her to explore fascia. Fascia, a connective tissue, is described as the fabric of the body, offering countless benefits, including improved mobility, reduced pain, and enhanced overall well-being.
How to Support your Body Seasonally
I had the biggest girl crush on Bonnie forever! And then I met her - and fell even deeper. She's charismatic, beautiful, energetic and intelligent, with a deep inner wisdom that defies years - she's an ancient soul for sure.
During this dynamic conversation we discuss the mysterious and alluring fascia and how taking care of it can literally heal almost everything, how we are all made of crystal, and how we're all as much "nature" as water, so let's be like it - flowing and free. Follow along and learn a few tips for getting juicier tissues, and how Bonnie's story of how she fell in love with it all.
Mostly Balanced
In this episode, Bonnie is teaching us all about fascia and the integrative stretching technique she practices: fascia flossing. Fascia flossing is both a workout and a recovery practice that focuses on engaging and contracting your muscles with active movement. Bonnie shares her journey of learning about the body through dance, yoga, and eventually this technique she first learned from her former teacher Bob Cooley who is internationally known as an expert on bio-mechanical flexibility and strength.
Courageous Wellness
Bonnie is also a renowned teacher of fascia flossing -- a class that stretches to floss your fascia, activate your meridians, and keep your immune and lymph systems moving. In this episode we learn all about fascia flossing, what it is and how to do it, and hear Bonnie’s incredible personal journey to this work.
It’s not really stretching, it’s Flossing. A myofascial release you perform yourself. Let's take a step back. What's fascia? Fascia or myofascia is the webbing surrounding the muscles in your body. With a tensile strength greater than steel, this tissue provides structure for your musculoskeletal system and protects your muscles and deeper organs from trauma. Fascia holds memory, and because it's designed to protect your muscles, your joints, your ligaments, your inner organs, over time, adhesions are prone to develop in the fascia constricting your body and restricting movement resulting in tightness. That's where myofascial release aka fascia flossing comes in. Fascia Flossing allows those adhesions to break up, encourages your body to break up tightened areas of fascia that are no longer serving it. Fascia flossing is a new way to stretch without stretching, rejuvenating your connective tissue from the inside-out.