Tom ka soup


This tasty soup is part of our #SpringRefresh, a gentle cleanse designed to support your liver and gallbladder.

Tom Ka soup
1. Seasonal vegetables: bok choy, broccolini, zucchini, carrots, mushrooms, spring onions
* 14 oz (420 ml) can full-fat coconut milk
* 2 cups (475 ml) veggie or chicken stock
* 1″ piece of ginger, peeled and sliced into 1/8” rounds
* 1 cup sliced mushrooms
* 2 tbsp (30 mL) lime juice
* 1 tbsp (15 mL) fish sauce(optional)
* Chopped cilantro for garnish
* In a medium pot bring the stock, coconut milk, and ginger to boil, reduce heat and add the veggies, lime juice and fish sauce, cook on medium heat for ten minutes
* add scallions and cilantro at end


young green salad


Special Green Sauce + lentils & leafy greens